Tournament Report for:

Chess4Life Bellevue Beginners No. 8
Jun 2, 2013
Bellevue, WA

TD:  Van Weerdhuizen

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Beginners No. 8 Section C4LBellevueBeg8

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 tot 
  1 Lo, Casey              SOMA7196   400  1249/  4  W8  W2  W4  W5  4.0
  2 Hannam, Nolan          SJBFF571   826   855/ 67  W10 L1  W3  W4  3.0
  3 Tien, Andy             SOMA8063   694   723/ 17  W6  W9  L2  W8  3.0
  4 Sanniboyina, Sree      STVCE232   400   509/ 12  W5  W7  L1  L2  2.0
  5 Parekh, Neal           CHRB7950   740   716/ 16  L4  W10 W9  L1  2.0
  6 Ma, Stephanie          SSMAA591   400   508/  4  L3  D12 D10 W11 2.0
  7 Krishnamurthy, Shreya  CHRCK227   400   454/  4  W12 L4  D11 D9  2.0
  8 Chan, Oscar            MAHAX685   583   564/ 18  L1  D11 W12 L3  1.5
  9 Putrevu, Sitara        SMRB8057   550   509/  8  W11 L3  L5  D7  1.5
 10 Walsh, Anjali          LCNAC095   400   513/  4  L2  L5  D6  W12 1.5
 11 Xu, Ivan               TOPAF937   400   400/  4  L9  D8  D7  L6  1.0
 12 Gershaft, David        BCAAH297   400   400/  4  L7  D6  L8  L10 0.5

Note: Tied score standings are resolved by the TD at the event. Results here might not be in tiebreak order.