Tournament Report for:

Chess4Life Bellevue Beginners No. 1
Oct 6, 2012
Bellevue, WA

TD:  Van Weerdhuizen

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Beginners No. 1 Section K-1

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 tot 
  1 Kameric, Tarik         JUABB786   828   877/ 29  W7  W4  W3  W2  4.0
  2 Wong, Alexander        ARDBA493   458   609/  7  W11 W7  W10 L1  3.0
  3 Parekh, Neal           CHRB7950   400   700/  4  W5  W6  L1  D4  2.5
  4 Tang, Jaden            TMTAA540   400   653/  3  BYE L1  W6  D3  2.5
  5 Wong, Abigail          ARDBB895   400   482/  8  L3  W11 D8  W10 2.5
  6 Song, Baron            TLIBK087   400   508/  4  W10 L3  L4  W11 2.0
  7 Wu, Joshua             HMNBB905   400   471/  4  L1  L2  W9  D8  1.5
  8 Burk, Kendahl          PKRCF776   400   437/  3  U   D9  D5  D7  1.5
  9 Lefferts, Oliver       OPWGG933   600   400/  2  U   D8  L7  BYE 1.5
 10 Wang, Hannah           SOMBK022   400   400/ 35  L6  BYE L2  L5  1.0
 11 Naik, Samreedhi        BCABI780   400   400/  3  L2  L5  BYE L6  1.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Beginners No. 1 Section 4-6

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 tot 
  1 Shaffer, Gerald        SNSE7984  1190  1199/ 34  W7  W4  W2  W5  4.0
  2 Bullington, Jack       HSCF7981   785   832/ 16  W8  W3  L1  W4  3.0
  3 Zhang, Alex            AUDCN007   721   706/  7  W9  L2  W6  BYE 3.0
  4 Wang, Vincent          SOMCJ386   668   675/ 85  W5  L1  BYE L2  2.0
  5 Kavikondala, Rishi     RHJFB301   500   628/  4  L4  W6  W7  L1  2.0
  6 Marshak, Arseniy       ARDEC462   400   418/  7  BYE L5  L3  W7  2.0
  7 Bai, Raymond           EGBAF749   400   400/  7  L1  BYE L5  L6  1.0
  8 Lefferts, Oliver       OPWGG933   400   400/  3  L2  U   U   U   0.0
  9 Burk, Kendahl          PKRCF776   437   403/  4  L3  U   U   U   0.0

Note: Tied score standings are resolved by the TD at the event. Results here might not be in tiebreak order.