Tournament Report for:

Chess4Life Issaquah Qualifier No. 4
Mar 2, 2013
Issaquah, WA

TD:  Campbell

Rating report for Chess4Life Issaquah Qualifier No. 4 Section Open

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 
  1 Narula, Arnav          BRHEF526  1363  1413/158  W11 W10 W2  W6  W5  5.0
  2 Wu, Max                SPTFJ674  1494  1486/504  W7  W5  L1  W3  W4  4.0
  3 Narula, Raghav         BRHEB744  1308  1317/159  W4  W9  W6  L2  W10 4.0
  4 Wang, Vincent          SOMCJ386   811   910/142  L3  W12 W10 W7  L2  3.0
  5 Schiffer, Sophia       SLBF9422   960   986/ 79  W8  L2  W11 W13 L1  3.0
  6 Witecki, Alexander     SHSEF517  1060  1063/112  W14 W13 L3  L1  W11 3.0
  7 Bulankou, Andrei       RSABA998   820   837/176  L2  W14 W8  L4  W13 3.0
  8 Raj, Vishruth          CHRDB364   719   740/188  L5  BYE L7  W9  W15 3.0
  9 Royce, Benjamin        MHEF7858   947   920/ 37  W12 L3  W13 L8  W14 3.0
 10 Pandiaraj, Pranav      BCAEA070   999   966/174  W15 L1  L4  W14 L3  2.0
 11 Surridge, Mia          HSCE8047   916   888/107  L1  W15 L5  W12 L6  2.0
 12 Shi, Nathan            GRRD7465   400   578/  4  L9  L4  W15 L11 BYE 2.0
 13 Nair, Pranav           JWEEK169   539   517/ 20  BYE L6  L9  L5  L7  1.0
 14 Grandhi, Shivani       CHRE6230   625   591/ 20  L6  L7  BYE L10 L9  1.0
 15 Nair, Anirudh          AEAC8170   400   400/  4  L10 L11 L12 BYE L8  1.0

Note: Tied score standings are resolved by the TD at the event. Results here might not be in tiebreak order.