Tournament Report for:

Dragon Slayer
Mar 30, 2013
Spokane, WA

TD:  Stripes

Rating report for Dragon Slayer Section Elementary

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 
  1 Sposito, David         LBYFJ993   941  1066/ 49  W4  W2  W3  W7  W8  5.0
  2 Bandyopadhyay, Shohom  JFPFF456   889   948/ 40  W10 L1  W6  W3  W4  4.0
  3 Wu, Ethan              SGSD9608  1005   976/113  W5  W8  L1  L2  W7  3.0
  4 Bandyopadhyay, Aditya  JFPB8193   660   743/ 40  L1  W12 W8  W6  L2  3.0
  5 Vivier, Andre          WGCD9029   692   701/ 25  L3  D7  D10 W11 W9  3.0
  6 Thew, David            SGSDJ170   719   707/ 71  D7  W9  L2  L4  W11 2.5
  7 Dutta, Meghna Pream    JFPE8128   465   595/ 10  D6  D5  W9  L1  L3  2.0
  8 Heglin, Dan            ARCGB572   760   730/ 77  W11 L3  L4  W12 L1  2.0
  9 Lubanski, Josh         SGSB8453   732   663/ 55  W12 L6  L7  W10 L5  2.0
 10 Gustafson, Gabe        SGSCB625   561   532/ 55  L2  W11 D5  L9  L12 1.5
 11 Watson, Robert         ARCFG805   528   480/ 52  L8  L10 W12 L5  L6  1.0
 12 Pavlin, Nicholes       LSEFA659   487   454/ 30  L9  L4  L11 L8  W10 1.0

Rating report for Dragon Slayer Section HSMS

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 
  1 Dyson, Keendraa        CSVMC031   687   896/ 13  W5  L3  W6  W7  W2  4.0
  2 Walton, Steven         CSVMJ891   838   987/ 25  D3  W8  W5  W4  L1  3.5
  3 Harris, Jack           CDAKY617  1113  1112/ 20  D2  W1  L4  W6  W8  3.5
  4 Lewis, Shawn           ARCGI941  1130  1113/134  W7  W6  W3  L2  L5  3.0
  5 Murphy, Trevor         DPMHB116   972   982/ 86  L1  W7  L2  W8  W4  3.0
  6 Mcguire, Ken           CDAKY751   943   922/ 24  W8  L4  L1  L3  W7  2.0
  7 Faber, Cory            CVBM7586   899   842/ 17  L4  L5  W8  L1  L6  1.0
  8 Bjork, Chance          CSVL7487  1569   830/  8  L6  L2  L7  L5  L3  0.0

Note: Tied score standings are resolved by the TD at the event. Results here might not be in tiebreak order.