Tournament Report for:

Einstein Wise Quads No. 7
Jan 11, 2013
Vancouver, WA

TD:  Kudva

Rating report for Einstein Wise Quads No. 7 Section Quad 1

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Kudva, Priya S         SKVMM967  1403  1413/329  W4  W3  W2  3.0
  2 Probst, Aaron          OLSE8816  1195  1190/ 97  W3  W4  L1  2.0
  3 Knowles, Justin        SKVK1900   775   801/  7  L2  L1  W4  1.0
  4 Lee, Josiah            SKVM7276   533   520/ 17  L1  L2  L3  0.0

Rating report for Einstein Wise Quads No. 7 Section Quad 2

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Cheng, Megan           FISDI826   896   906/ 43  W3  D2  U   1.5
  2 Vance, Alexis          FISF9324   757   801/ 32  U   D1  W3  1.5
  3 Mcwilliams, Devin      DFXE7855   855   756/  8  L1  U   L2  0.0

Rating report for Einstein Wise Quads No. 7 Section Quad 3

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Liu, Roman             COEE8411   625   761/ 45  W2  W4  W3  3.0
  2 Tang, Alice            FISCF493   689   674/ 56  L1  W3  D4  1.5
  3 Cheon, Andy            PRED7892   483   500/ 12  W4  L2  L1  1.0
  4 Cheng, Erin            FISCF466   680   612/ 50  L3  L1  D2  0.5

Rating report for Einstein Wise Quads No. 7 Section Quad 4

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Vance, Brianna         FISC9226   483   541/ 28  W3  W4  D2  2.5
  2 Chaganti, Pavan        FISB7770   400   428/  5  D4  D3  D1  1.5
  3 Young, Joy             FISCG401   416   400/ 21  L1  D2  D4  1.0
  4 Tang, Aliya            FISBJ564   409   400/ 26  D2  L1  D3  1.0

Note: Tied score standings are resolved by the TD at the event. Results here might not be in tiebreak order.