Tournament Report for:

Chess4Life Online Quads 1-26-24
Jan 26, 2024
Online, WA

TD:  Neff

Rating report for Chess4Life Online Quads 1-26-24 Section Quad 1

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Palathingal, Rafael    KKNE196R  1647  1661/119  W2  D4  W3  2.5
  2 Kunisetty, Chekresh    ENSFK99L  1417  1479/ 70  L1  W3  W4  2.0
  3 Bimod, Karthik         SLLHW89E  1557  1534/ 77  W4  L2  L1  1.0
  4 Chan, Aiden            COGI917M  1507  1475/134  L3  D1  L2  0.5

Rating report for Chess4Life Online Quads 1-26-24 Section Quad 2

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Wakeman, Oliver        INLKG10Y  1242  1347/119  W3  W4  D2  2.5
  2 Patel, Aarya           REEFK30E  1409  1414/110  W4  D3  D1  2.0
  3 Singh, Rushil          SNEGB52N  1375  1367/128  L1  D2  W4  1.5
  4 Maharaja, Imai         HMNDK34K  1288  1235/140  L2  L1  L3  0.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Online Quads 1-26-24 Section Quad 3

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Hildenbrand, Blane     PSMI122V  1283  1377/258  W4  W2  W3  3.0
  2 Budhraja, Jai          EBSGA16E  1212  1259/104  W3  L1  W4  2.0
  3 Zhong, Alan            TISLN778  1287  1261/ 70  L2  W4  L1  1.0
  4 Tian, Eric             SOMFI80S  1258  1194/136  L1  L3  L2  0.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Online Quads 1-26-24 Section Quad 4

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Maheshwari, Vihaan     SKNJ695W  1074  1134/111  W3  W2  U   2.0
  2 Ganesan, Vidur         RBRE940K  1176  1163/158  U   L1  W3  1.0
  3 Sreraman, Rohit        BCADG92Q  1080  1035/210  L1  U   L2  0.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Online Quads 1-26-24 Section Quad 5

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Kandar, Aarav          FISDK21U  1026  1052/ 62  L2  W3  W4  2.0
  2 Zhu, Kevin             CSME865U  1014  1046/411  W1  W4  L3  2.0
  3 Sabarish, Ananya       BCADG02Z  1007  1042/141  W4  L1  W2  2.0
  4 Wang, Hengsheen        EVGB704V  1063   980/ 82  L3  L2  L1  0.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Online Quads 1-26-24 Section Quad 6

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Ramanathan, Varun      LEOIK88H   862  1009/ 45  W3  W2  W4  3.0
  2 Lahue, Ihsan           WAVIJ69P   941   957/129  W4  L1  W3  2.0
  3 Wang, Evan             PLKHB88C   883   862/ 65  L1  W4  L2  1.0
  4 Acharya, Arnav         KMNG746Q   853   786/ 65  L2  L3  L1  0.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Online Quads 1-26-24 Section Quad 7

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Yang, Jimmy            BCAEG45S   801   858/107  U   W3  W2  2.0
  2 Naenna, Patanin        SPLFQ28H   787   788/217  W3  U   L1  1.0
  3 Shah, Aarush           CNHIJ38F   784   726/ 32  L2  L1  U   0.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Online Quads 1-26-24 Section Quad 8

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Karthik, Sai           BCAD261S   741   859/117  W3  W4  W2  3.0
  2 Kuluru, Samith         LEOHI99K   757   717/212  W4  L3  L1  1.0
  3 Chen, Leon             SNRED24U   735   701/ 53  L1  W2  L4  1.0
  4 Holliday, Austin       PTFC472D   575   588/ 18  L2  L1  W3  1.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Online Quads 1-26-24 Section Quad 9

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Shah, Aariv            SHSG527D   573   671/ 23  W4  W2  W3  3.0
  2 Ryan, Declan           MTZFW83Q   500   590/  3  W3  L1  W4  2.0
  3 Mishra, Angad          RKWEK70V   529   487/ 64  L2  W4  L1  1.0
  4 Swindle, James         MTZFW83P   500   100/  3  L1  L3  L2  0.0

Note: Tied score standings are resolved by the TD at the event. Results here might not be in tiebreak order.