Tournament Report for:

Coquille December Fun Tournament
Dec 16, 2023
Coquille, OR

TD:  Keller

Rating report for Coquille December Fun Tournament Section A

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 
  1 Thompson, Jeremiah     CQHHW97T   984  1019/ 32  W7  W16 W12 D5  W6  4.5
  2 Smolensky, Randy       ADONU144  1835  1812/ 96  L3  W3  BYE W4  W8  4.0
  3 Morse, Frank           HSOLW762  1378  1435/359  W2  L2  BYE W7  W9  4.0
  4 Lebrun, Tyler          CQHIR90P  1028  1051/ 52  W6  W17 D9  L2  W12 3.5
  5 Hanburg, James         CQHIW98J   901   921/ 35  W15 W18 W10 D1  U   3.5
  6 Berg, Grant            SUQJW84F   900   921/  5  L4  W9  W17 W11 L1  3.0
  7 Dumont, Draven         SUQLW84E  1100   792/  5  L1  W12 W16 L3  W13 3.0
  8 Schwerdt, Logan        SUQKW84D  1000   636/  5  W14 L11 W13 W10 L2  3.0
  9 Dunn, Gabe             MPHJU76H  1086  1049/ 65  W17 L6  D4  W15 L3  2.5
 10 Hughes, Ruckus         SMDFW86C   503   489/ 20  W18 D15 L5  L8  W16 2.5
 11 Hebebrand, Nathan      MYCDW96Y   155   398/  8  W13 W8  D14 L6  U   2.5
 12 Fritz, John            MPHIW97M   410   449/ 18  W16 L7  L1  W17 L4  2.0
 13 Scott, Ruth            CQECW85Z   345   360/ 10  L11 W14 L8  W18 L7  2.0
 14 Yeager, Blake          MJHHW86E   489   401/ 13  L8  L13 D11 L16 W15 1.5
 15 Kobata, Chris          SUQMW84C  1200   353/  5  L5  D10 W18 L9  L14 1.5
 16 Munoz, Raymond         SUQJW84B   900   362/  5  L12 L1  L7  W14 L10 1.0
 17 Haas, Austin           SUQJW84A   900   318/  5  L9  L4  L6  L12 W18 1.0
 18 Benn, Haedon           SUQLW848  1100   100/  5  L10 L5  L15 L13 L17 0.0

Note: Tied score standings are resolved by the TD at the event. Results here might not be in tiebreak order.