Tournament Report for:

Hot Summer Chess II
Jun 25, 2024
Ferndale, WA

TD:  Kaech

Rating report for Hot Summer Chess II Section 1one

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Hildenbrand, Blane     PSMI122V  1421  1445/338  W4  W3  W2  3.0
  2 Zhang, Owen            FHVI995H  1391  1375/289  W6  W7  L1  2.0
  3 Rennie, Elias          BVEFH77C   912   941/ 20  W8  L1  W7  2.0
  4 Singh, Jagteshwar      MRDMJ25M   874   927/ 55  L1  W8  W5  2.0
  5 Qureshi, Danish        BLNGF36V   902   859/123  L7  W6  L4  1.0
  6 Manly, Shafter         CUEFA72M   798   791/ 62  L2  L5  W8  1.0
  7 Verduin, Skyler        CUEFJ26K   757   779/ 26  W5  L2  L3  1.0
  8 Triano, Tony           SKYEJ17K   757   699/ 21  L3  L4  L6  0.0

Rating report for Hot Summer Chess II Section 2two

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Aguila-contreras, EdgarHORHJ65J   707   730/ 44  W6  W4  D3  2.5
  2 Cancelosi, Nicholas    VSTGM25W   507   626/ 68  W7  D3  W5  2.5
  3 Russell, Emerson       BLEFK23A   541   597/ 73  W8  D2  D1  2.0
  4 Smith, Benjamin        BLEDG44D   505   599/ 30  W5  L1  W6  2.0
  5 Buckham, George        SKYCK37E   747   671/ 54  L4  W8  L2  1.0
  6 Verduin, Bentley       CUEDK37A   468   458/ 31  L1  W7  L4  1.0
  7 Javed, Peter           SKYCK36U   413   363/ 24  L2  L6  WF  1.0
  8 Mcneil, Mason          VSTGJ49Y   380   348/ 20  L3  L5  LF  0.0

Rating report for Hot Summer Chess II Section 3three

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Kaur, Prabhkirat       IREEE41C   398   440/ 24  W4  D5  W3  2.5
  2 Louws, Micah           CUEBJ16B   419   406/ 16  W6  L3  W5  2.0
  3 Gilday, Finn           CIAEJ17C   245   325/ 16  W8  W2  L1  2.0
  4 Neff, Josiah           CCXGH69Q   146   249/  6  L1  W7  W6  2.0
  5 Neff, Joseph           CCXDH69L   190   247/  6  W7  D1  L2  1.5
  6 Russell, Huxley        BLEDH73W   171   150/  8  L2  W8  L4  1.0
  7 Dunn, Luke             CAREH68Q   400   100/  3  L5  L4  W8  1.0
  8 Neff, William          CCXBH69K   100   100/  6  L3  L6  L7  0.0

Note: Tied score standings are resolved by the TD at the event. Results here might not be in tiebreak order.