Tournament Report for:
Vista and Horizon In House Matches
Jan 26, 2024
Ferndale, WA
TD: Kaech
Rating report for Vista and Horizon In House Matches Section vistamain
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 1 Carpenter, Abby VSTHA99C 926 924/ 27 L2 W21 W8 W6 W3 4.0 2 Egland, Crosby VSTH264S 575 748/ 33 W1 W13 D6 D3 W11 4.0 3 Cancelosi, Nicholas VSTGM25W 598 719/ 45 W22 W16 W4 D2 L1 3.5 4 Huynh, Hannah VSTHJ65P 790 736/ 9 W18 W17 L3 W13 U 3.0 5 Sutton-brown, Eden VSTGD26L 381 371/ 15 L13 W20 D10 L9 W18 2.5 6 Kellar, Ruxson VSTGJ50A 600 775/ 4 W12 W14 D2 L1 U 2.5 7 Mccallum, Austin VSTIJ65N 822 839/ 7 U W11 U W21 U 2.0 8 Grunhurd, Kekoa VSTG597A 437 539/ 24 W15 W10 L1 U U 2.0 9 Gibson, Colby VSTGK35Y 414 522/ 7 U U W15 W5 U 2.0 10 Cortez-alva, Carlos VSTGJ49Z 600 481/ 4 D21 L8 D5 W12 U 2.0 11 Mcneil, Mason VSTGJ49Y 600 356/ 5 L16 L7 W20 W18 L2 2.0 12 Kennedy, Brian VSTGJ49X 600 435/ 4 L6 U W17 L10 W19 2.0 13 Smith, Makoa VSTGJ49W 600 510/ 4 W5 L2 W19 L4 U 2.0 14 Sanders, Cody VSTIJ49U 800 553/ 3 W17 L6 W18 U U 2.0 15 Gordziel, Conner VSTG518P 557 441/ 15 L8 U L9 L17 BYE 1.0 16 Mccallum, Eastan VSTHJ65G 349 400/ 6 W11 L3 U U U 1.0 17 Morrison, Brayden VSTGJ65E 343 342/ 9 L14 L4 L12 W15 U 1.0 18 Keimig, James VSTGJ65B 207 130/ 9 L4 BYE L14 L11 L5 1.0 19 Fergusson, Nathan VSTGJ65D 156 178/ 7 W20 U L13 U L12 1.0 20 Gallegos-mendoza, Aron VSTHJ49T 700 100/ 3 L19 L5 L11 BYE U 1.0 21 Coslick, Benjamin VSTGE03M 547 521/ 15 D10 L1 U L7 U 0.5 22 Belyatskiy, Artem VSTH764W 520 499/ 38 L3 U U U U 0.0
Rating report for Vista and Horizon In House Matches Section horizon
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 1 Bannister, Cypress HORGK36L 773 827/ 51 W3 W6 W6 3.0 2 Keele, Brendyn HORHJ65M 750 641/ 7 L6 D3 BYE 1.5 3 Aguila-contreras, EdgarHORHJ65J 612 610/ 8 L1 D2 W7 1.5 4 Jackson, Henry HORHJ49S 700 822/ 1 D5 BYE U 1.5 5 Cruz, Noah HORIJ49R 800 867/ 2 D4 W8 U 1.5 6 Castro, Ezaykiel CIAGK35V 452 515/ 8 W2 L1 L1 1.0 7 Taylor, Hunter HORI639M 381 365/ 10 D8 U L3 0.5 8 Carpenter, Tanner HORHJ49Q 700 375/ 2 D7 L5 U 0.5
Note: Tied score standings are resolved by the TD at the event. Results here might not be in tiebreak order.