Tournament Report for:

Chess4Life Bellevue State Qualifier 9-14-24
Sep 14, 2024
Bellevue, WA

TD:  Pritchard

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue State Qualifier 9-14-24 Section U900

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 
  1 Bui, Edwin             FRVFK90H   884   997/ 81  W5  W10 W11 W3  W4  5.0
  2 Paine, Clara           TLIFK01Z   693   774/ 56  W7  L3  W5  W10 W6  4.0
  3 Zeitlin, Tom           WOBFI56H   832   855/ 81  W8  W2  D4  L1  W11 3.5
  4 Friesen, Eli           LAVEK27G   785   805/ 56  W15 W9  D3  W11 L1  3.5
  5 Luo, Steven            TBKFH97A   501   544/ 18  L1  W16 L2  W14 W10 3.0
  6 Chahlia, Dax           REEEH62P   400   600/  5  L10 W15 W9  W7  L2  3.0
  7 Luo, Larry             STVDH62N   300   584/  5  L2  W8  W12 L6  W13 3.0
  8 Tripathi, Naksh        BRHDJ98P   428   454/ 83  L3  L7  W17 W16 W12 3.0
  9 Arvizu, Kristoff       CEYGH65L   562   508/  8  W14 L4  L6  W13 W18 3.0
 10 Talukdar, Yuvaan       NCABH76K   603   582/ 27  W6  L1  W14 L2  L5  2.0
 11 Deshmukh, Dhruv        ENDEH79Q   699   667/ 47  W17 W12 L1  L4  L3  2.0
 12 Tao, Hongxi            LTLBH98A   575   461/ 10  W13 L11 L7  W15 L8  2.0
 13 Serna Mengual, Adriana OPWEH62M   400   196/  5  L12 D17 W16 L9  L7  1.5
 14 Kesher, Zavi           BENEH62L   400   216/  5  L9  W18 L10 L5  D16 1.5
 15 Chen, Yisu             RKWBH78H   176   177/ 16  L4  L6  W18 L12 D17 1.5
 16 Liu, Darwin            WOBBJ44Q   158   151/ 20  W18 L5  L13 L8  D14 1.5
 17 Jain, Armaan           SFRBH62K   100   100/  5  L11 D13 L8  L18 D15 1.0
 18 Serna Mengual, Andrea  FRDGH62H   600   100/  5  L16 L14 L15 W17 L9  1.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue State Qualifier 9-14-24 Section Open

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 
  1 Ma, Lewis              SOMD587M  1493  1524/177  W9  W5  W3  W2  W4  5.0
  2 Wang, Jacob            BLWHD74Y  1235  1265/245  W11 W7  W4  L1  W3  4.0
  3 Singh, Atharva         SKIIK06G  1076  1097/ 53  W12 W8  L1  W10 L2  3.0
  4 Menon, Ritwik          WLDH974D  1025  1084/ 63  U   W9  L2  W5  L1  2.0
  5 Sreraman, Rohit        BCAEG92Q  1151  1127/267  W6  L1  W11 L4  W13 3.0
  6 Ganguly, Arjun         BCAH816G   400   606/ 14  L5  U   W8  L7  W10 2.0
  7 Helmy, Yaseen          HSCFH64B  1130   949/  8  W13 L2  L10 W6  W12 3.0
  8 Shaikot, Sabeer        ENSG147Q  1200  1125/242  W10 L3  L6  W11 D9  2.5
  9 Sreraman, Rahul        BCAEJ42L  1006   997/250  L1  L4  U   W12 D8  1.5
 10 Liao, Joe              MEDHE93Z   736   748/ 61  L8  W12 W7  L3  L6  2.0
 11 Yen, Apollo            REJHG78H   840   820/121  L2  W13 L5  L8  U   1.0
 12 Luo, Louis             ODEHH62G   700   528/  5  L3  L10 W13 L9  L7  1.0
 13 Serna Mengual, Aida    FRDIH62F   800   218/  4  L7  L11 L12 U   L5  0.0

Note: Tied score standings are resolved by the TD at the event. Results here might not be in tiebreak order.