Tournament Report for:

Coquille January Tournament
Jan 18, 2025
Coquille, OR

TD:  Keller

Rating report for Coquille January Tournament Section advanced

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 
  1 Trifunovic, Nenad      ADONW78P  1300  1666/  5  W4  W2  D3  W6  W5  4.5
  2 Von Dassow, Misha      LHNIP55K  1498  1517/ 69  W3  L1  W5  W4  W6  4.0
  3 Morse, Frank           HSOMW762  1449  1424/386  L2  W6  D1  L5  W4  2.5
  4 Bell, Ryan             MPHLW78N  1100  1203/  5  L1  D5  W6  L2  L3  1.5
  5 Thompson, Jeremiah     CQHIW97T  1158  1165/ 61  L6  D4  L2  W3  L1  1.5
  6 Havill, Mark           ADONW78M  1300  1123/  5  W5  L3  L4  L1  L2  1.0

Rating report for Coquille January Tournament Section intermediate

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 
  1 White-ross, Skyler     HSOJW81S   665   899/ 27  W7  W2  W3  W6  W4  5.0
  2 Bottoroff, Matthew     ADONQ200   795   831/231  W9  L1  W6  W3  W8  4.0
  3 Rangel, Adrian         CQHHN66G   745   747/ 29  W10 W4  L1  L2  W6  3.0
  4 Larman, Tristen        SUTJW81X   632   653/ 23  W5  L3  W8  W7  L1  3.0
  5 Tew, Matrim            HSOEW78X   313   423/  9  L4  D8  W9  L10 W7  2.5
  6 Gardner, Ayden         CQHJM20C   533   555/ 31  W8  W10 L2  L1  L3  2.0
  7 Huff, David            MYCGW792   467   435/  9  L1  D9  W10 L4  L5  1.5
  8 Hughes, Ruckus Charles SMDGW86C   669   588/ 40  L6  D5  L4  W9  L2  1.5
  9 Scott, Ruth            CQEDW85Z   571   500/ 36  L2  D7  L5  L8  W10 1.5
 10 Gibbs, Logan           CQEDW78V   550   410/  9  L3  L6  L7  W5  L9  1.0

Rating report for Coquille January Tournament Section novice

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 
  1 Tew, Rand              HSOCW78W   688   729/ 10  W9  W2  W4  W7  W3  5.0
  2 Sedlemyer, Hunter      CQEFW78U   433   507/ 10  W5  L1  W3  W4  W8  4.0
  3 Tew, Perrin            HSOAW78R   100   264/  9  W6  W9  L2  W5  L1  3.0
  4 Bowman, Draven         CQEFW867   101   295/ 22  W7  W8  L1  L2  W9  3.0
  5 Bowman, Jayden         CQEDW866   100   165/ 21  L2  D6  W9  L3  W10 2.5
  6 Weeks, Maggie          CQEDW78L   300   198/  5  L3  D5  W10 L8  W7  2.5
  7 Welch, Joseph          HSOFW78K   500   221/  5  L4  W10 W8  L1  L6  2.0
  8 Dieckman, Adelynn      MYCDW78T   382   281/ 10  W10 L4  L7  W6  L2  2.0
  9 Mangin, Alice          CQECW78Q   100   100/  9  L1  L3  L5  W10 L4  1.0
 10 Baumgardner, Bruen     CQECW78J   200   100/  5  L8  L7  L6  L9  L5  0.0

Note: Tied score standings are resolved by the TD at the event. Results here might not be in tiebreak order.