Tournament Report for:

Monroe Winter Rapid Champ.
Dec 7, 2024
Monroe, WA

TD:  Sagar

Rating report for Monroe Winter Rapid Champ. Section Chouchan Airapetian Championship

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 
  1 Kona, Vidip            TIMGI26J  2179  2201/367  W5  W6  W4  W2  W3  5.0
  2 Nedumpurakkal Thahir, IRHJKK46Y  1807  1822/ 40  W8  D4  W6  L1  D5  3.0
  3 Phan, James            ADUNH28R  1645  1672/  5  L4  W8  W7  W6  L1  3.0
  4 Yu, Peter              ADUNJ50C  2100  2068/ 38  W3  D2  L1  L5  W7  2.5
  5 Rubaiyat, Rhadean      REDJD40L  1710  1717/218  L1  L7  W8  W4  D2  2.5
  6 Merritt, Jude          MTTMJ57P  1760  1732/ 27  W7  L1  L2  L3  W8  2.0
  7 Dale, Luke             MTSLJ10P  1312  1379/122  L6  W5  L3  W8  L4  2.0
  8 Victor, Paul           ADUNH58Y  1380  1309/ 10  L2  L3  L5  L7  L6  0.0

Rating report for Monroe Winter Rapid Champ. Section Selina Cheng U1300

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 
  1 Kamisetty, Komansai    CDWH644X   858  1037/ 20  W2  W6  L3  W7  W4  4.0
  2 Marsh, Stephen         ADUNH59D  1172  1106/ 10  L1  W8  D4  W5  D3  3.0
  3 Lai, Ryan              SHSBH70N  1082  1063/ 43  D5  W7  W1  L6  D2  3.0
  4 Zou, Fuxing            ADUNH28Q  1300  1057/  4  HPB W5  D2  W8  L1  3.0
  5 Yellappa, Nandeesh     ADUNH44K   809   893/  9  D3  L4  W8  L2  W6  2.5
  6 Golan, Elliot          ADUNH58X   956   910/ 15  W8  L1  L7  W3  L5  2.0
  7 Armitage-selig, PhoenixSUZBJ31Z   661   675/ 54  BYE L3  W6  L1  L8  2.0
  8 Nandeesh, Tavishna     CAVEH61E   794   755/ 43  L6  L2  L5  L4  W7  1.0

Rating report for Monroe Winter Rapid Champ. Section Lois Ruff U700

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 
  1 Poka, Dinesh           MOBHH52T   596   640/ 13  W7  D6  W3  W2  W4  4.5
  2 Kakar, Ryan            DHLFJ03T   481   511/ 16  W5  D3  W6  L1  W7  3.5
  3 Guruswamy, Tejal       CPJIK10X   416   459/ 57  W9  D2  L1  W5  W8  3.5
  4 Prasad, Ishaan         CHKCH61A   335   362/ 20  W10 L5  W8  W6  L1  3.0
  5 Manikandan, Abhinav    MOBDH78P   268   342/ 19  L2  W4  W7  L3  W9  3.0
  6 Savaram, Arjun         MOBCH64R   442   414/ 24  W8  D1  L2  L4  W10 2.5
  7 Reddy, Aishini         MOBAH44S   197   224/ 10  L1  W10 L5  W9  L2  2.0
  8 Nandeesh, Tapasya      SMSIH62Z   174   184/ 35  L6  W9  L4  W10 L3  2.0
  9 Bodanapu, Naksh Reddy  MOBDH28P   300   100/  5  L3  L8  W10 L7  L5  1.0
 10 Bodanapu, Arjun Reddy  MOBAH28M   100   100/  5  L4  L7  L9  L8  L6  0.0

Note: Tied score standings are resolved by the TD at the event. Results here might not be in tiebreak order.