Tournament Report for:
Orangutan Seattle Quads 1-18-25
Jan 18, 2025
Seattle, WA
TD: Easterday
Rating report for Orangutan Seattle Quads 1-18-25 Section 2:00 PM Open
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 1 Barker, Harvey HTNGH06X 600 1000/ 4 U W5 W3 W2 W4 4.0 2 Fuhriman, Tai WWDDH06W 300 759/ 4 W3 U W4 L1 W5 3.0 3 Subramaniam, Karthik IMSHH06V 700 408/ 4 L2 W4 L1 D5 U 1.5 4 Fan, Dominic MCEFH06U 500 310/ 4 W5 L3 L2 U L1 1.0 5 Subramaniam, Ganesan IPEFH06T 500 185/ 4 L4 L1 U D3 L2 0.5 All Unrated-player Section: Ratings capped at 1000
Rating report for Orangutan Seattle Quads 1-18-25 Section 10:00 AM Quad 1
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 1 Leneway, Owen CSIEK91V 1121 1149/ 77 W3 W4 W2 3.0 2 Giacalone, Lucas Quinn ADUNH06S 836 890/ 3 W4 W3 L1 2.0 3 Wagner, Drew ADUNH06R 1300 816/ 3 L1 L2 W4 1.0 4 Jariwala, Vidur THOEK87P 812 758/ 61 L2 L1 L3 0.0
Rating report for Orangutan Seattle Quads 1-18-25 Section 10:00 AM Quad 2
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 1 Lawardy, Clayton DCTDK13P 790 838/ 47 W4 W2 W3 3.0 2 Ben Simon, Golan SJCDJ48B 592 634/ 23 W3 L1 W4 2.0 3 Shing, Lucas HZFDJ74H 624 592/ 73 L2 W4 L1 1.0 4 Allyn, William THODJ48A 430 388/ 33 L1 L3 L2 0.0
Rating report for Orangutan Seattle Quads 1-18-25 Section 10:00 AM Quad 3
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 1 Tentor, Jalil BFDFK39U 341 442/ 13 W4 W2 W3 3.0 2 Allyn, Corissa ADUNH06Q 1300 374/ 3 W3 L1 W4 2.0 3 Jariwala, Raahi THOBH32P 100 128/ 7 L2 W4 L1 1.0 4 Watson, Milan THOEH06P 400 100/ 3 L1 L3 L2 0.0
Note: Tied score standings are resolved by the TD at the event. Results here might not be in tiebreak order.