Tournament Report for:

Barber + Rockefeller Closed Champ
Apr 6, 2024
Seattle, WA

TD:  Barua

Rating report for Barber + Rockefeller Closed Champ Section 6-8 Barber

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 tot 
  1 Willy, Stephen         HSCIH17K  2214  2219/573  W3  W5  W2  W6  4.0
  2 Scollon, Owen          FHVI734D  1809  1830/487  W6  W7  L1  W5  3.0
  3 Mishra, Abhinav        TMBIB02W  1720  1720/133  L1  W4  D7  BYE 2.5
  4 Cheng, Selina          TLMG413R  1603  1594/529  L5  L3  BYE W7  2.0
  5 Verma, Darsh           WONHB52K  1812  1792/213  W4  L1  D6  L2  1.5
  6 Liu, Bichen            KKNHK00D  1539  1544/123  L2  BYE D5  L1  1.5
  7 Frederick, Benjamin    EMSGS57X  1501  1492/256  BYE L2  D3  L4  1.5

Rating report for Barber + Rockefeller Closed Champ Section K-5 Rockefeller

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 tot 
  1 Wang, Ted              STTEK13D  2130  2144/293  W6  W5  W2  W9  4.0
  2 Kona, Vidip            RSAFI26J  2076  2075/339  W7  W8  L1  W5  3.0
  3 Yondon, Odbayar        LMAFK97T  1812  1805/230  D4  D9  D7  W10 2.5
  4 Bharathy Mohan, Aarav  FRWFC98B  1612  1657/345  D3  W10 D9  D7  2.5
  5 Lin, Michael           BASEC97F  1765  1774/338  W11 L1  W8  L2  2.0
  6 Cao, Max               JINFJ12C  1742  1731/ 16  L1  L7  BYE W11 2.0
  7 Palathingal, Rafael    KKNE196R  1736  1748/148  L2  W6  D3  D4  2.0
  8 Gadde, Arnav           ENSFJ39D  1602  1614/182  W10 L2  L5  BYE 2.0
  9 Shankaranand, Deeksha  EBSFI74Y  1553  1570/280  BYE D3  D4  L1  2.0
 10 Saddi, Neevan Reddy    GRREH87M  1770  1720/237  L8  L4  W11 L3  1.0
 11 Chen, Andy             SOMDK05J  1574  1542/ 62  L5  BYE L10 L6  1.0

Note: Tied score standings are resolved by the TD at the event. Results here might not be in tiebreak order.