Tournament Report for:
Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 2-9-24
Feb 9, 2024
Bellevue, WA
TD: Pritchard
Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 2-9-24 Section Quad1
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 1 Ganesan, Vidur RBRE940K 1226 1196/164 W3 L2 W4 2.0 2 Zakonov, Peter BCALH925 904 958/ 16 W4 W1 L3 2.0 3 Sampathi Rao, Sri JayraSSMFK37Y 782 847/ 42 L1 D4 W2 1.5 4 Shih, Kei UCDC982C 915 875/ 60 L2 D3 L1 0.5
Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 2-9-24 Section Quad2
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 1 Bhutani, Mihir CRKCK90Q 632 785/ 20 W4 W3 W2 3.0 2 Krishnakumar, Vishresh EALKJ46M 712 739/ 6 W3 W4 L1 2.0 3 Naik, Shreyas ETSEJ98X 593 583/ 49 L2 L1 W4 1.0 4 Deepak, Sairaghav PLKIA52Q 607 534/ 37 L1 L2 L3 0.0
Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 2-9-24 Section Quad3
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 1 Surenyants, Artem NLAEJ61M 524 528/ 11 W4 L2 W3 2.0 2 Pandit, Vihaan LAVFJ99D 392 453/ 29 W3 W1 L4 2.0 3 Suresh, Shruti MTWE650Q 415 391/ 24 L2 W4 L1 1.0 4 Gomon, Zachary AGBDJ83U 383 370/ 16 L1 L3 W2 1.0
Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 2-9-24 Section Quad4
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 1 Tripathi, Naksh BRHCJ98P 330 372/ 37 W2 W4 L3 2.0 2 Dasari, Ranveer SSMFJ31X 500 441/ 3 L1 W3 W4 2.0 3 Sairam, Advaith RBRBK01Q 395 378/ 37 D4 L2 W1 1.5 4 Revuru, Nimeesha RCMEW81Y 400 141/ 3 D3 L1 L2 0.5
Note: Tied score standings are resolved by the TD at the event. Results here might not be in tiebreak order.