Tournament Report for:

Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 6-21-24
Jun 21, 2024
Bellevue, WA

TD:  Neff

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 6-21-24 Section Quad 1

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Merriman, Dann         WMNEF79Y  1703  1727/601  W3  W4  W2  3.0
  2 Summerfield, William   FAPIG77R  1807  1789/154  W4  W3  L1  2.0
  3 Mirpuri, Shrevin Hiro  OMSGJ03R  1161  1173/ 18  L1  L2  W4  1.0
  4 Balaji, Arjun          CMCDH75P  1029  1011/ 59  L2  L1  L3  0.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 6-21-24 Section Quad 2

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Leon, Nikhil           EBSF587T  1012  1076/126  D2  W4  W3  2.5
  2 Verma, Reyansh         RBREJ20M  1002  1002/ 27  D1  W3  L4  1.5
  3 Fan, Theodore          EASBK42S  1016   987/ 67  W4  L2  L1  1.0
  4 Lew, Abigail           OPWD645P   954   942/147  L3  L1  W2  1.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 6-21-24 Section Quad 3

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Battula, Jeswanth Sri SICSIE96V   862   910/ 43  W4  D2  W3  2.5
  2 Yalamanchili, Nikhil   LMAFK63R   813   813/ 50  L3  D1  W4  1.5
  3 Joby, Alan             ENSCE06C   817   788/ 21  W2  L4  L1  1.0
  4 Zhang, Andy            MEDF885X   744   737/ 55  L1  W3  L2  1.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 6-21-24 Section Quad 4

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Wong, Claire           BCABK86D   681   780/ 83  W2  D3  W4  2.5
  2 Menon, Ritwik          WLDG974D   727   751/ 47  L1  W4  W3  2.0
  3 Aquino, Emiliano       SSMJ6132   717   715/115  W4  D1  L2  1.5
  4 Jain, Anvay            EBSG874Z   672   598/ 71  L3  L2  L1  0.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 6-21-24 Section Quad 5

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Liao, Joe              MEDGE93Z   600   697/ 50  W2  W4  W3  3.0
  2 Chen, Eason            SSMAJ59F   622   623/ 48  L1  W3  W4  2.0
  3 Santhosh, Saanvi       AUDFJ20F   527   511/  8  W4  L2  L1  1.0
  4 Li, Ethan              UNKAH68J   100   100/  3  L3  L1  L2  0.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 6-21-24 Section Quad 6

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 George, Ameya          EBSDK88Y   592   601/ 69  L4  W3  W2  2.0
  2 Leon, Vikram           EBSBH74X   550   573/ 12  W3  W4  L1  2.0
  3 Lu, Kathryn            CHRE191C   512   487/ 19  L2  L1  W4  1.0
  4 Sood, Ayansh           BCADH76H   463   455/ 16  W1  L2  L3  1.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 6-21-24 Section Quad 7

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Battula, Keerthi Sri SiCMCF733D   331   520/ 12  W2  W3  W4  3.0
  2 Deshmukh, Dhruv        ENDDH79Q   394   426/ 24  L1  W4  W3  2.0
  3 Magnin, Hugo           FAPBH94D   388   357/ 14  W4  L1  L2  1.0
  4 Goyal, Avyukt          CNHAJ65X   339   259/ 35  L3  L2  L1  0.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 6-21-24 Section Quad 8

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Almuayyad, Omar        RHJGJ59J   276   297/ 19  W4  L2  W3  2.0
  2 Saravanan, Navin       FRWAJ85A   203   267/ 29  L3  W1  W4  2.0
  3 Li, Henry              CMCDK03M   278   204/  6  W2  L4  L1  1.0
  4 Xu, Jacky Y            SOMBJ59K   231   203/ 17  L1  W3  L2  1.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 6-21-24 Section Quad 9

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Liu, Brayden           XXXDH69D   300   691/  3  W5  W4  W2  3.0
  2 Asthana, Vihaan        CMCCJ89X   157   291/  6  W4  W3  L1  2.0
  3 Talukdar, Yuvaan       NCAAH76K   126   179/ 10  W6  L2  W5  2.0
  4 Zhang, Eli             XXXBH69C   100   189/  3  L2  L1  W6  1.0
  5 Johnson, Ajay          GTMGH69B   600   136/  3  L1  W6  L3  1.0
  6 Prabhu, Anika          BCADH79S   100   100/  5  L3  L5  L4  0.0

Note: Tied score standings are resolved by the TD at the event. Results here might not be in tiebreak order.