Tournament Report for:
Chess4All Tournament 1-28-24
Jan 28, 2024
Not Specified, WA
TD: Tatikonda
Rating report for Chess4All Tournament 1-28-24 Section Open
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 1 Maharaja, Imai HMNDK34K 1235 1369/145 L5 W7 W11 W10 W12 4.0 2 Yu, Peter ADUNJ50C 1941 1896/ 9 W12 D4 W6 W5 D3 4.0 3 Boulis, Christos NWSKC84T 1763 1763/597 W8 W13 L5 W4 D2 3.5 4 Palathingal, Rafael KKNE196R 1669 1678/123 W7 D2 W9 L3 HPB 3.0 5 Ren, Aaron Song ENAEG67B 1664 1662/175 W1 W9 W3 L2 L7 3.0 6 Shah, Kanav LMAF295Q 1460 1456/161 D10 W12 L2 W13 HPB 3.0 7 Hildenbrand, Blane PSMI122V 1377 1408/262 L4 L1 BYE W9 W5 3.0 8 Syal, Yash CDIFC10R 1342 1307/124 L3 D10 L12 BYE W13 2.5 9 Kalyana Sundaram, RaghaTSTL6071 1425 1394/280 W11 L5 L4 L7 BYE 2.0 10 Nerella, Abhiram HGMII18R 971 1053/ 14 D6 D8 D13 L1 D11 2.0 11 Zandanov, Leonid WLBCK31Q 1166 1148/ 73 L9 BYE L1 D12 D10 2.0 12 Deng, Austin NPRKJ89K 1376 1342/ 20 L2 L6 W8 D11 L1 1.5 13 Shreeraam, Seshasayee INGGD91F 1018 1008/ 39 BYE L3 D10 L6 L8 1.5
Rating report for Chess4All Tournament 1-28-24 Section U1000
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 1 Hu, Yi-en Pi BCADK35P 921 1045/ 43 W5 D2 W9 W3 W4 4.5 2 Sikhakolli, Jashyant XXXDJ47B 300 1119/ 5 W9 D1 W10 W7 D3 4.0 3 Kim, Matthew RKWFK88G 939 949/ 30 W8 W10 D7 L1 D2 3.0 4 Mavila, Madhav GTMI230L 701 728/ 41 W12 L7 W8 W5 L1 3.0 5 Mei, Felicity BCABK89R 438 629/ 40 L1 W6 W11 L4 W7 3.0 6 Mamadgi, Uthkarsh PLKGJ47A 600 766/ 5 L7 L5 W12 W9 W10 3.0 7 Bangari, Ishaan FRWFJ96C 915 889/ 15 W6 W4 D3 L2 L5 2.5 8 Bayya, Shrihan CBRDJ74M 679 656/ 15 L3 W12 L4 D10 W11 2.5 9 Parasurama, Chinmayi CPJG679F 885 823/ 28 L2 W11 L1 L6 HPB 1.5 10 Goel, Atharva MRLD436Y 796 738/ 56 W11 L3 L2 D8 L6 1.5 11 Vanavada, Kaushik BRHGB86U 400 335/ 6 L10 L9 L5 W12 L8 1.0 12 Prasanna, Charan LMADJ46Z 300 100/ 4 L4 L8 L6 L11 BYE 1.0
Note: Tied score standings are resolved by the TD at the event. Results here might not be in tiebreak order.