Tournament Report for:

Northwest League Meet Four
Feb 5, 2024
Lynden, WA

TD:  Kaech

Rating report for Northwest League Meet Four Section Quad 1

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Roesch, Carson         BLHL120K  1927  1931/265  W4  LF  W2  2.0
  2 Frost, Ignatius        SHMKJ64P  1500  1513/104  W3  LF  L1  1.0
  3 Lewis, Theo            FERMK29P  1431  1411/100  L2  LF  D4  0.5
  4 Stroud, Jeb            FHVIK22V  1384  1384/ 88  L1  LF  D3  0.5

Rating report for Northwest League Meet Four Section Quad 2

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Nipges, Jaxon          FERK382B  1124  1196/ 99  W2  W3  LF  2.0
  2 Palmer, Evan           BHMKI90S  1331  1296/169  L1  LF  LF  0.0
  3 Peterson, Kylan        MRDM175Q  1209  1180/ 84  LF  L1  LF  0.0

Rating report for Northwest League Meet Four Section Quad 3

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Luna, Max              FERKJ85Y  1011  1072/ 17  W4  W2  LF  2.0
  2 Brown, Sofia           MRDM128V  1107  1095/ 35  W3  L1  LF  1.0
  3 Putnam, Israel         LYEKA22J   958   969/ 31  L2  W4  LF  1.0
  4 Clayton, Evan          SHMLA71G  1023   965/ 40  L1  L3  LF  0.0

Rating report for Northwest League Meet Four Section Quad 4

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Vance, Sawyer          FHVHJ32E   700  1332/  2  W4  LF  W2  2.0
  2 Reiss, Madelyn         BLHMJ21Y   918   939/ 61  W3  LF  L1  1.0
  3 Morgen, Briar          SQULJ72Z   907   871/ 11  L2  LF  D4  0.5
  4 Latham, Cash           MRDL658Y   901   893/ 22  L1  LF  D3  0.5

Rating report for Northwest League Meet Four Section Quad 5

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Singh, Jagteshwar      MRDMJ25M   899   929/ 48  W3  D2  LF  1.5
  2 Singh, Arshaan         FERJK22R   893   893/ 48  D4  D1  LF  1.0
  3 Aujla, Sihaan          BLHL413P   891   892/ 34  L1  W4  LF  1.0
  4 Moors, Samuel          BLHJH93D   894   863/ 87  D2  L3  LF  0.5

Rating report for Northwest League Meet Four Section Quad 6

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Masterson, Emmett      LYEM300S   843   868/ 47  D4  LF  W2  1.5
  2 Chiapellone, Teo       SHMMG88R   860   852/110  W3  LF  L1  1.0
  3 Volker, Rune           FERKK47N   741   753/ 22  L2  LF  W4  1.0
  4 Gutierrez, Diego       BLHM233E   791   762/ 19  D1  LF  L3  0.5

Rating report for Northwest League Meet Four Section Quad 7

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Tin, Isaac             SQUKK99V   646   714/ 17  W2  W3  LF  2.0
  2 Peper, James           BLHLB93F   633   632/ 32  L1  W4  LF  1.0
  3 Peterson, Caden        BHMKJ85V   641   639/ 17  W4  L1  LF  1.0
  4 Becker, Griffin        SHMJJ59Z   647   545/  8  L3  L2  LF  0.0

Rating report for Northwest League Meet Four Section Quad 8

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Fransico-woodenlegs, JoMRDL680H   581   615/ 45  D3  LF  W4  1.5
  2 Lee, Jensen            MRDK947B   625   615/ 36  D4  LF  D3  1.0
  3 Eckermann, Garrett     FERLJ60A   608   611/  8  D1  LF  D2  1.0
  4 Simmons, Sean          SHMJH985   569   543/149  D2  LF  L1  0.5

Rating report for Northwest League Meet Four Section Quad 9

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Kerr, Ethan            BLHLJ06N   482   562/ 41  W2  W3  LF  2.0
  2 Wright, Makayla        MRDMK32N   516   515/ 28  L1  W4  LF  1.0
  3 Russell, Emerson       BLEFK23A   562   516/ 41  D4  L1  LF  0.5
  4 Clarke, Jonathan       BLHJG05B   479   448/ 23  D3  L2  LF  0.5

Rating report for Northwest League Meet Four Section Quad 10

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Graybill, Daniel       FERJJ60C   336   467/  6  LF  W4  W3  2.0
  2 Crediford, Nilay       FERJF28K   416   397/ 37  LF  L3  W4  1.0
  3 Macmillan, Zaiden      BLHJJ85P   358   376/ 12  LF  W2  L1  1.0
  4 Russell, Reagan        BLHKJ72W   372   310/ 11  LF  L1  L2  0.0

Rating report for Northwest League Meet Four Section Small Swiss

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 tot 
  1 Harris, Eli            MRDLJ85Q   301   361/ 14  W5  W3  2.0
  2 Herboth, Quinn         SQUKK99M   245   294/ 12  W6  W5  2.0
  3 Delong, Sophia         BLHJK03A   270   278/ 23  W4  L1  1.0
  4 Brown, Xander          MRDKJ32D  1000   205/  2  L3  W6  1.0
  5 Eckermann, Owen        FERJJ32B   900   100/  2  L1  L2  0.0
  6 Small, Ryan            LYEJJ32A   900   100/  2  L2  L4  0.0

Note: Tied score standings are resolved by the TD at the event. Results here might not be in tiebreak order.