Tournament Report for:

Seattle Classic Scholastic
Sep 10, 2023
Seattle, WA

TD:  Sagar/Barua/Sankrithi

Rating report for Seattle Classic Scholastic Section K-1 U800

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 
  1 Sankrithi, Vivaan      HSCAK61R   730   780/ 65  W2  W5  D3  W4  W6  4.5
  2 Wong, Claire           BCABK86D   368   542/ 30  L1  W9  W8  W5  W3  4.0
  3 Jiang, Kyle            MEDBK35B   704   665/ 25  W10 W7  D1  D6  L2  3.0
  4 Razmov, Siana          HZFBK93Y   539   518/ 61  W9  W8  L6  L1  W10 3.0
  5 Ajay, Aria             LCSBK07M   220   390/ 14  W6  L1  W7  L2  W8  3.0
  6 Yao, Roger             THOBK88C   579   561/ 30  L5  W10 W4  D3  L1  2.5
  7 Byelashova, Sofia      SGHBK01K   484   301/  7  WF  L3  L5  W10 L9  2.0
  8 Liu, Kyle              CNHBK00Z   100   195/  4  BYE L4  L2  W9  L5  2.0
  9 Ranjith, Janani        SHVBK65E   130   138/ 32  L4  L2  D10 L8  W7  1.5
 10 Lew, Theodore          OPWBK28X   293   219/ 25  L3  L6  D9  L7  L4  0.5

Rating report for Seattle Classic Scholastic Section K-3 Open

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 
  1 Yuan, Chen             ETSCJ15Z  1184  1280/ 80  D3  W12 W8  W2  W4  4.5
  2 Evin, Terrick          EBSCC54L  1319  1329/126  W9  W11 W4  L1  W5  4.0
  3 Das, Sambuddha Sekhar  ENDDK47S   814  1039/ 40  D1  W9  W11 L4  W6  3.5
  4 Ma, Lewis              SOMC587M  1214  1212/ 67  W10 W8  L2  W3  L1  3.0
  5 Chen, Felix Y          DISDA67A   863   988/ 51  L11 W6  W7  W8  L2  3.0
  6 Pan, David             MEDC330Y   957   932/ 65  HPB L5  W10 WF  L3  2.5
  7 Swaminath, Akshita     CNCD295Z   780   802/ 81  L8  W10 L5  HPB W12 2.5
  8 Lan, Jonathan          MEDD968F  1155  1102/100  W7  L4  L1  L5  W9  2.0
  9 Liu, Bihe              KKNBB78J   953   915/ 46  L2  L3  W12 BYE L8  2.0
 10 He, Jizhou             OPWC789B   917   849/ 39  L4  L7  L6  W12 BYE 2.0
 11 Maharaja, Imai         HMNDK34K  1190  1153/ 71  W5  L2  L3  LF  U   1.0
 12 Tsen, Eric             AGBDK18P   495   473/ 49  BYE L1  L9  L10 L7  1.0

Rating report for Seattle Classic Scholastic Section K-12 Open

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 
  1 Deng, Stanley          LECFK22E  1499  1458/276  W3  W4  L5  L2  BYE 3.0
  2 Chen, Andy             SOMDK05J  1392  1374/  8  L4  L5  BYE W1  W3  3.0
  3 Palathingal, Rafael    KKNE196R  1392  1374/ 80  L1  BYE W4  W5  L2  3.0
  4 Li, Edgar              WOBD883Y  1148  1215/163  W2  L1  L3  BYE W5  3.0
  5 Narkhede, Kshitij      CRKCA27K  1113  1197/ 83  BYE W2  W1  L3  L4  3.0

Rating report for Seattle Classic Scholastic Section 2-3 U800

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 
  1 Xu, Natalie            CNHC137A   729   797/ 64  W7  W6  W2  W5  L4  4.0
  2 Rachiba, Alisa         EVPDK08E   764   781/ 22  W3  W4  L1  W6  D5  3.5
  3 Byelashova, Darya      SGHDK51X   523   559/ 37  L2  L5  WF  W7  W6  3.0
  4 Liu, Jace              CNHDK00Y   300   708/  4  W5  L2  L6  BYE W1  3.0
  5 Lew, Abigail           OPWD645P   711   692/ 80  L4  W3  W7  L1  D2  2.5
  6 Ting, Sophia           KSHDK64W   588   601/ 41  W8  L1  W4  L2  L3  2.0
  7 Kekre, Sohum           CSICK24M   437   446/ 14  L1  W8  L5  L3  BYE 2.0
  8 Karthik, Sai           BCAD261S   776   670/ 63  L6  L7  LF  U   U   0.0

Rating report for Seattle Classic Scholastic Section 4-8 U900

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 
  1 Zhang, Nathan          EINIK00X   800  1199/  5  W8  W4  W5  W2  W6  5.0
  2 Spearman, Emery        DCCG101R   510   787/ 41  W7  W3  D6  L1  W5  3.5
  3 Bondalakunta, Krishna  CNCFK25A   871   830/ 79  L4  L2  W10 W8  W7  3.0
  4 Davies, Damien         MCEFK68U   538   668/ 49  W3  L1  L8  W10 W9  3.0
  5 Ang-lee, Ellery        EINIH848   524   717/ 29  W6  W9  L1  W7  L2  3.0
  6 Chen, Max Y            DISEK76L   835   815/ 51  L5  W8  D2  W9  L1  2.5
  7 Yen, Apollo            REJGG78H   770   710/ 62  L2  W10 W9  L5  L3  2.0
  8 Slettebak, Jordan      EMSG604V   654   662/ 38  L1  L6  W4  L3  W10 2.0
  9 Pan, Harry             MEDEE67X   703   609/ 66  W10 L5  L7  L6  L4  1.0
 10 Abhilash, Lavina       CRIEK07R   497   423/ 29  L9  L7  L3  L4  L8  0.0

Rating report for Seattle Classic Scholastic Section 4-12 Open

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 
  1 Cha, Samuel            BASGK18Z  1571  1617/225  HPB W7  W5  W10 W3  4.5
  2 Ramaswamy, Rishi       OMSJS63U  1397  1467/100  W8  W12 W10 D3  W4  4.5
  3 Subramanian, Thrinay   SPTI466R  1539  1535/123  W15 W6  W4  D2  L1  3.5
  4 Sriram, Aahan          BCAEC03K  1273  1275/ 58  W16 W17 L3  W11 L2  3.0
  5 Xu, Yang               CNCE649B  1251  1263/ 95  W9  L10 L1  W17 W12 3.0
  6 Joshi, Vyom            LEOIH81X  1217  1218/179  W18 L3  D9  W12 D7  3.0
  7 Ghosh, Snehil          CBRE738T  1183  1188/ 65  D14 L1  W16 W15 D6  3.0
  8 Zhang, Kevin           SPTF809Y   923   972/ 88  L2  L13 BYE W16 W11 3.0
  9 Ye, Alex               ENDEH51L   929  1034/ 76  L5  BYE D6  W13 D10 3.0
 10 Prashant, Niranjan     PFCG468K  1480  1444/105  W13 W5  L2  L1  D9  2.5
 11 Alagumalai, Gautham    TMBHF64S  1118  1066/200  L17 W14 W13 L4  L8  2.0
 12 Robison, Emmett        SASIK05G  1109  1081/ 11  WF  L2  W17 L6  L5  2.0
 13 Grandhi, Dhruv         JMRIC63M   991   998/ 34  L10 W8  L11 L9  W15 2.0
 14 Bates, Killian         HEAIK18M   911   901/ 19  D7  L11 L15 BYE D17 2.0
 15 Swaminath, Ankita      CNCG571R  1094  1044/ 74  L3  D16 W14 L7  L13 1.5
 16 Phillips-acheson, SebasEMHH817T   935   904/226  L4  D15 L7  L8  BYE 1.5
 17 Confer, Braden         HSCGK00V   600   953/  5  W11 L4  L12 L5  D14 1.5
 18 Nelson, Ellis          BRYEB28C   928   917/ 45  L6  U   U   U   U   0.0

Note: Tied score standings are resolved by the TD at the event. Results here might not be in tiebreak order.