Tournament Report for:

Orlov Chess Academy Quads 12-13-24
Dec 13, 2024
Redmond, WA

TD:  Orlov

Rating report for Orlov Chess Academy Quads 12-13-24 Section Quad1

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Zhang, Kevin           OMSG809Y  1225  1252/152  W3  W4  W2  3.0
  2 Tippabhotla, Ramesh    ADUMH23R  1200  1114/  3  W4  W3  L1  2.0
  3 Jang, Jinwon           VIEH561P   827   844/ 95  L1  L2  W4  1.0
  4 Nishino, Anne          BCADH74F   892   840/ 94  L2  L1  L3  0.0

Rating report for Orlov Chess Academy Quads 12-13-24 Section Quad2

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 
  1 Daniel, Lemuel         BLCDJ29L   793   806/ 30  W4  W5  U   U   U   2.0
  2 Anand, Nivaan          MCEBH64F   363   444/ 45  U   W3  U   U   W5  2.0
  3 Cauich-miller, Marco   CSDCJ97P   523   461/ 13  W5  L2  U   U   L4  1.0
  4 Cauich-miller, Amalia  HSCEH79V   445   476/ 18  L1  U   U   U   W3  1.0
  5 Tippabhotla, Akashata  HMNBH34P   456   299/  6  L3  L1  U   U   L2  0.0

Note: Tied score standings are resolved by the TD at the event. Results here might not be in tiebreak order.