Tournament Report for:

Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 1-17-25
Jan 17, 2025
Bellevue, WA

TD:  Giannopulos

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 1-17-25 Section Quad 1

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Joshi, Vyom            LEOJH81X  1309  1361/327  D2  W3  W4  2.5
  2 Gollapally, Arnav      SKNK499J  1283  1287/152  D1  L4  W3  1.5
  3 Zhou, Sean             ICSIH56S  1258  1244/ 14  W4  L1  L2  1.0
  4 Chevuri, Tattva        REJHC06V  1336  1306/420  L3  W2  L1  1.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 1-17-25 Section Quad 2

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Hu, Yi-en Pi           BCAEK35P  1095  1115/ 78  W3  W4  L2  2.0
  2 De, Rishik             INGIJ87T  1151  1132/101  D4  L3  W1  1.5
  3 Sampathi Rao, Sri JayraSSMGK37Y  1055  1061/ 79  L1  W2  D4  1.5
  4 Ivanov, Matvei         EABDK34E  1009  1003/ 83  D2  L1  D3  1.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 1-17-25 Section Quad 3

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Tsay, Elon             LKDEK07B   965  1081/126  W3  W2  W4  3.0
  2 Zhen Rampenthal, Quinn SASIH53C   917   963/ 26  W4  L1  W3  2.0
  3 Yang, Michael          SOMGK00G   960   934/ 58  L1  W4  L2  1.0
  4 Kuppa, Karthikeya      HSCEH64A   982   855/  9  L2  L3  L1  0.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 1-17-25 Section Quad 4

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Chen, Albert           LKWD728A   879   925/ 25  W3  W4  L2  2.0
  2 Kennedy, Owen          TWFHH14N   850  1009/  6  W4  L3  W1  2.0
  3 Fang, Weiai            LAVE696W   891   871/261  L1  W2  L4  1.0
  4 Naik, Shreyas          ETAFJ98X   893   873/ 98  L2  L1  W3  1.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 1-17-25 Section Quad 5

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Koster, John           SPTBJ88T   754   902/102  W3  W2  W4  3.0
  2 Aimes, Owen            PRDGH34V   790   821/ 11  W4  L1  W3  2.0
  3 Paine, Clara           TLIFK01Z   782   755/ 67  L1  W4  L2  1.0
  4 Cai, Emily             CNHCH60H   729   660/ 44  L2  L3  L1  0.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 1-17-25 Section Quad 6

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Doshi, Ishaan          LAVFJ54C   652   684/ 23  W3  W4  L2  2.0
  2 Mohammed, Farhan       CRKEH14M   610   658/ 11  W4  L3  W1  2.0
  3 Pan, Jingyuan          EVJHH73P   712   723/ 24  L1  W2  W4  2.0
  4 Mehta, Anika           EBSGB71K   639   557/ 37  L2  L1  L3  0.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 1-17-25 Section Quad 7

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Talukdar, Yuvaan       RBRBH76K   592   734/ 60  W4  W3  W2  3.0
  2 Wong, Aiden            CHREK17Z   587   590/ 80  W3  D4  L1  1.5
  3 Zhao, Kevin            EVGEK54M   580   555/ 31  L2  L1  W4  1.0
  4 Chen, Austin           SCDFK02G   562   513/ 16  L1  D2  L3  0.5

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 1-17-25 Section Quad 8

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 He, Joshua             CHRCJ72H   542   580/ 64  W3  W4  L2  2.0
  2 Zhao, Jerry            EVGAH97K   544   581/ 31  W4  L3  W1  2.0
  3 Almuayyad, Omar        RHJHJ59J   553   584/ 35  L1  W2  W4  2.0
  4 De, Adwik              SSMBJ29V   549   460/ 55  L2  L1  L3  0.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 1-17-25 Section Quad 9

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Kesher, Zavi           BENEH62L   503   673/ 26  W4  W2  W3  3.0
  2 Meymandi-li, Alvin     CNCDJ64F   526   570/ 23  W3  L1  W4  2.0
  3 Lee, Zachary           STTAH63W   522   499/ 20  L2  W4  L1  1.0
  4 Zhang, Eli             BCACH69C   538   449/ 52  L1  L3  L2  0.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 1-17-25 Section Quad 10

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Singh, Anitej          OMSIH76J   493   510/ 15  W2  L4  W3  2.0
  2 Suresh, Shruti         MTWF650Q   484   504/ 43  L1  W3  W4  2.0
  3 Gunderson, Amar        LAEFW997   500   387/  4  W4  L2  L1  1.0
  4 Balan, Vidyut          LAVEH68B   424   403/ 23  L3  W1  L2  1.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 1-17-25 Section Quad 11

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Kunz, Anikin           BURKH44A   399   549/ 20  W3  W4  W2  3.0
  2 K, Arjun               FRWDH61L   396   431/ 11  W4  W3  L1  2.0
  3 Yen, Lucas             ETSBH56P   410   376/ 13  L1  L2  W4  1.0
  4 Liu, Mochen            SNRBH50M   417   241/  6  L2  L1  L3  0.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 1-17-25 Section Quad 12

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Kamaraju, Akhil        DISEH66C   285   463/ 38  W6  W4  W2  3.0
  2 Xu, Jacky Y            SOMCJ59K   350   406/ 58  W5  W3  L1  2.0
  3 Abdukarimov, Samin     BENAH67S   315   342/ 51  W4  L2  W5  2.0
  4 Venkatesh, Anya        HMNCJ30F   316   262/ 69  L3  L1  BYE 1.0
  5 Lin, Hannah            MEDBJ86X   329   260/ 30  L2  BYE L3  1.0
  6 Song, Owen             CCABH67J   288   240/  4  L1  0.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 1-17-25 Section Quad 14

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Campos, Mateo          WELFH11K   500   767/  3  W3  W4  W2  3.0
  2 Li, Leo                BCAAH11J   100   438/  3  W4  W3  L1  2.0
  3 Suresh, Anirudh        BRHBJ55Q   100   122/ 14  L1  L2  W4  1.0
  4 Dong, Joanna           BCACH50L   100   100/ 12  L2  L1  L3  0.0

Rating report for Chess4Life Bellevue Quads 1-17-25 Section Quad 15

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 
  1 Becklund, Ezra         JDSIH11H   800  1000/  3  W3  W4  W2  3.0
  2 Campos, Evan           KMDGH11G   600   775/  3  W4  W3  L1  2.0
  3 Diaz, Gerardo          CPCIH11F   800   419/  3  L1  L2  W4  1.0
  4 Mehta, Anish           NLMBH11D   100   100/  3  L2  L1  L3  0.0

 All Unrated-player Section: Ratings capped at 1000

Note: Tied score standings are resolved by the TD at the event. Results here might not be in tiebreak order.