Tournament Report for:
Mukilteo Free Library Tournament #2
Jan 25, 2025
Mukilteo, WA
TD: Olson
Rating report for Mukilteo Free Library Tournament #2 Section Arena
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 rd6 rd7 rd8 tot 1 Friedenson, Isaac VVMIK21N 1480 1456/ 71 W12 W18 W2 U U L7 W5 W11 5.0 2 Taggart, Forrest MUEEH15X 827 898/ 14 L15 W10 L1 U W14 W16 D4 W19 4.5 3 Makienko, Michael MUEFH16F 1047 1024/ 18 L4 U W18 D19 U W11 W23 W10 4.5 4 Gokulakrishnan, SriharsTMMGH60B 1111 1141/ 30 W3 U D17 U U W20 D2 W15 4.0 5 Bui, Bryant RDSFH52W 987 1025/ 40 W14 W21 U U W10 U L1 W20 4.0 6 Chantarachoti, Beamer HPTGH15Z 476 711/ 16 W16 U L11 W21 U W18 U W12 4.0 7 Thomas, David Cijo TBKDJ03B 682 804/ 38 W10 L15 U D23 W11 W1 L22 L9 3.5 8 Shinkarev, Slava KAMKJ77F 1548 1553/ 54 D9 U U W22 U U W15 W14 3.5 9 Lomboy, Gilbert B. ADUNH01Z 1300 1547/ 4 D8 U U U W23 W14 U W7 3.5 10 Sparacio, Cyrus CPVLH25Z 709 651/ 16 L7 L2 W20 W18 L5 W19 L16 L3 3.0 11 Callahan, Reagan CPVLH25X 630 685/ 14 W20 U W6 U L7 L3 W19 L1 3.0 12 Yadav, Himank INLL399V 1317 1233/215 L1 W19 U L14 W18 W21 U L6 3.0 13 Watren, Jacob ADUNH01X 1300 1365/ 3 W22 U U W15 U D17 U U 2.5 14 Wong, Gabriel HEAGH35K 981 975/ 15 L5 U W23 W12 L2 L9 U L8 2.0 15 Mukherjee, Anjalika UPAHJ94B 936 958/ 48 W2 W7 U L13 U U L8 L4 2.0 16 Allen, Zeke CPVLH25Y 204 389/ 8 L6 U L19 L20 U L2 W10 W18 2.0 17 Yadav, Praveen ADUNH01W 1300 1253/ 3 U W23 D4 U U D13 U U 2.0 18 Chantarachoti, BrightonMUKDH15W 535 481/ 17 W19 L1 L3 L10 L12 L6 D20 L16 1.5 19 Allen, Isaiah CPVLH25W 323 386/ 10 L18 L12 W16 D3 U L10 L11 L2 1.5 20 Spear, George CPVLH26C 601 545/ 14 L11 U L10 W16 U L4 D18 L5 1.5 21 Fernandes, Caleb MCEEH52V 631 637/ 24 W23 L5 U L6 U L12 U U 1.0 22 Townsdin, Christian ADUNH01V 1300 1094/ 3 L13 U U L8 U U W7 U 1.0 23 Babik, Grayson CESEH16E 790 730/ 18 L21 L17 L14 D7 L9 U L3 U 0.5
Rating report for Mukilteo Free Library Tournament #2 Section Triangles
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 1 Lazar, Vira CESFH15Y 273 419/ 15 W6 W3 W5 3.0 2 Greer, Viktor BRKDH16B 543 580/ 15 W4 W5 W6 3.0 3 Lee, Aiden TBKFJ44G 248 276/ 13 W5 L1 D4 1.5 4 Austin, Jason MUEDH15V 410 389/ 13 L2 W6 D3 1.5 5 Sandoval, Daniel AGBBH15U 313 237/ 11 L3 L2 L1 0.0 6 Griffin, Alton MUEDH01T 300 100/ 3 L1 L4 L2 0.0
Rating report for Mukilteo Free Library Tournament #2 Section Quad 1
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 1 Kim, Joan MUKCH01S 200 360/ 3 W4 W2 L3 2.0 2 Roohbakhsh, Rayan CESDH15R 208 263/ 10 W3 L1 W4 2.0 3 Webber, Caleb HSCCH01Q 200 260/ 3 L2 D4 W1 1.5 4 Fernandes, Ruth MCECH51U 239 181/ 12 L1 D3 L2 0.5
Rating report for Mukilteo Free Library Tournament #2 Section Quad 2
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 1 Parrish, James MVIBH01N 100 733/ 3 W2 W4 W3 3.0 2 Townsdin, Lance MUKAH01M 100 400/ 3 L1 W3 W4 2.0 3 Gill, Harvey BENBH01K 100 100/ 3 D4 L2 L1 0.5 4 Griffin, Henry MUEBH01J 100 100/ 3 D3 L1 L2 0.5 All Unrated-player Section: Ratings capped at 1000
Note: Tied score standings are resolved by the TD at the event. Results here might not be in tiebreak order.