Tournament Report for:
Richland Quads 10-5-24
Oct 5, 2024
Richland, WA
TD: Dillingham
Rating report for Richland Quads 10-5-24 Section Quad 1
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 tot 1 Rathbone, Brian ADUNH59L 1300 1244/ 3 W2 L4 W3 2.0 2 Dillingham, Daniel KCCHB73M 1309 1296/268 L1 W3 W4 2.0 3 Guizar, Kevin CWHLI02P 1008 1016/102 W4 L2 L1 1.0 4 Dodson, Tyson KCCI234D 1011 1019/ 67 L3 W1 L2 1.0
Rating report for Richland Quads 10-5-24 Section Quad 2
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 tot 1 Paw Myint, John Sein CWHKJ81W 875 871/ 29 L2 W4 W7 W3 3.0 2 Mosqueda, Luke LIBEH90L 685 695/ 19 W1 L5 W6 BYE 3.0 3 Hemperly, Harper HSCFI09E 639 667/ 81 D4 W7 W5 L1 2.5 4 Wang, Evan TRHEJ78X 849 815/ 44 D3 L1 BYE W5 2.5 5 Johnson, Eli KCCIJ24B 414 510/ 9 W6 W2 L3 L4 2.0 6 Magdangal, Alexine CTKEJ00W 369 365/ 21 L5 BYE L2 W7 2.0 7 Webb, Bode KCCBJ77Y 329 284/ 43 BYE L3 L1 L6 1.0
Note: Tied score standings are resolved by the TD at the event. Results here might not be in tiebreak order.