Tournament Report for:

Sioux Falls Tournament 1-18-25
Jan 18, 2025
Sioux Falls SD, OT

TD:  Neff

Rating report for Sioux Falls Tournament 1-18-25 Section OPEN

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 
  1 Neff, Caleb            ABEKG72N  1915  1940/390  W11 W2  W4  W3  W5  5.0
  2 Welch, James           HSSJF53F  1587  1629/245  W8  L1  W10 W4  W3  4.0
  3 Yusuf, Elham           SD6MZ84A  1607  1612/ 39  W10 W6  W9  L1  L2  3.0
  4 Pawariya, Vihaan       SDYHZ98W  1424  1465/ 84  W14 W5  L1  L2  W9  3.0
  5 Ristau, William        SDQLX37G  1602  1598/146  W13 L4  W8  W6  L1  3.0
  6 Neff, Joel             ABEHF99X  1592  1571/301  W12 L3  W13 L5  W8  3.0
  7 Yusuf, Farzaan         BVIGZ84D  1549  1514/ 50  L9  L8  W12 W10 W11 3.0
  8 Chaplin, Seth          HSSJI92C  1226  1295/107  L2  W7  L5  W9  L6  2.0
  9 Neff, Enoch            ABEEF95Q  1310  1327/189  W7  W11 L3  L8  L4  2.0
 10 Nguyen, Charlie        SDRFZ06D  1281  1291/189  L3  W12 L2  L7  W14 2.0
 11 Chaplin, Owen          HSSFD36Q  1414  1388/105  L1  L9  W14 W13 L7  2.0
 12 Oppold, Sage           SDLJZ281  1222  1228/171  L6  L10 L7  W14 W13 2.0
 13 Neff, Nadine           ABEIC79W  1241  1209/398  L5  W14 L6  L11 L12 1.0
 14 Mcdowell, John         BVIHZ89F  1170  1101/ 76  L4  L13 L11 L12 L10 0.0

Rating report for Sioux Falls Tournament 1-18-25 Section Grades 6-12 Reserve

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 
  1 Iverson, Benjamin      HSSLF90J  1101  1142/ 45  W17 W11 W6  W2  W5  5.0
  2 Kutch, Courage         HSSLJ03Z   846   887/ 64  W13 W14 W5  L1  W7  4.0
  3 Biannas, Lyryque       PILHZ688   700   802/  5  W9  D12 D11 W8  W6  4.0
  4 Meyer, Henry           SFHGZ83R   212   524/ 15  W10 L6  W16 W14 W12 4.0
  5 Kocer, Radek           BVIGX75B   957   924/104  W15 W8  L2  W12 L1  3.0
  6 Jensen, Maxwell        SDYGX88L   833   809/ 88  W20 W4  L1  W15 L3  3.0
  7 Mcfayden, Skylar       SDTGZ75Q   412   489/ 32  W21 W9  L12 W11 L2  3.0
  8 Thunder, Israella      PILIZ88V   379   447/ 15  W18 L5  W19 L3  W14 3.0
  9 Red Owl, Bella         PILGZ12V   321   363/ 24  L3  L7  W22 W16 W15 3.0
 10 Gross, Acadian         BVIGZ687   600   320/  5  L4  W20 L15 W19 W17 3.0
 11 Red Owl, Bree          PILIZ88X   534   529/ 15  W19 L1  D3  L7  W18 2.5
 12 Hendrickson, Luke      SDEIZ65M   627   621/ 20  W22 D3  W7  L5  L4  2.5
 13 Bassett, Liam          BVIGZ723   100   174/  8  L2  L16 D18 W20 W19 2.5
 14 Mills, Ta'te           SDYIZ98Q   531   480/ 46  W16 L2  W21 L4  L8  2.0
 15 Kelly, Andrew          BVIGZ88A   101   178/ 13  L5  W18 W10 L6  L9  2.0
 16 Patnaud, Arianna       PILHZ686   700   267/  5  L14 W13 L4  L9  W21 2.0
 17 Whiting, Natasha       PILHZ97D   201   178/ 19  L1  L19 W20 W21 L10 2.0
 18 Blue Arm, Megan        PILGZ685   600   150/  5  L8  L15 D13 W22 L11 1.5
 19 Sallow, Pj             PILGZ684   600   100/  5  L11 W17 L8  L10 L13 1.0
 20 Red Horse, Holly       PILGZ83S   100   100/ 14  L6  L10 L17 L13 W22 1.0
 21 Biannas, Tupac         PILIZ682   800   100/  5  L7  W22 L14 L17 L16 1.0
 22 White Bull, Rozlynn    PILGZ67Z   600   100/  5  L12 L21 L9  L18 L20 0.0

Rating report for Sioux Falls Tournament 1-18-25 Section Grades K-5 Reserve

 pos last name first       id numb   start end/#gms  rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot 
  1 Neff, Katrina          ABEF159Y  1045  1085/238  W7  W5  W4  D2  W6  4.5
  2 Winter, Noah           SDCFZ88H  1101  1116/ 85  W12 W15 W3  D1  W4  4.5
  3 Neff, Nathan           ABECK07A   835   856/ 89  W13 W10 L2  W5  W7  4.0
  4 Davis, Lincoln         SDSEZ99N   693   762/ 97  W14 W6  L1  W11 L2  3.0
  5 Devish, Coale          SDSCZ80U   693   704/ 30  W9  L1  W10 L3  W13 3.0
  6 Albrecht, Ian          SDCFZ98P   975   929/126  W11 L4  W12 W8  L1  3.0
  7 Rostomily, Josten      SD8FZ75H   431   509/ 17  L1  W13 W16 W12 L3  3.0
  8 Hendrickson, Eric      SDSFZ984   599   578/ 15  L10 W16 W14 L6  W11 3.0
  9 Ertelt, Kasen          BVIFZ67Y   500   527/  5  L5  L11 W17 W14 W15 3.0
 10 Brown, Hendrik         SDSCZ843   245   367/ 13  W8  L3  L5  D15 W17 2.5
 11 Neff, Zachary          ABEBH77E   415   460/ 31  L6  W9  W15 L4  L8  2.0
 12 Davis, Gavin           SXBFZ82F   399   406/ 28  L2  W17 L6  L7  BYE 2.0
 13 Guetter, Nolan         BVIFZ95Z   387   365/ 35  L3  L7  BYE W16 L5  2.0
 14 Bassett, Killian       SFOEZ724   359   323/  7  L4  BYE L8  L9  W16 2.0
 15 Thunder, Lee Lee       PILDZ67X   300   350/  5  W17 L2  L11 D10 L9  1.5
 16 Kleinjan, Lucille      SDSDZ82Y   187   132/ 21  BYE L8  L7  L13 L14 1.0
 17 Hendrickson, Zach      SDSFZ982   589   416/ 14  L15 L12 L9  BYE L10 1.0

Note: Tied score standings are resolved by the TD at the event. Results here might not be in tiebreak order.